I inherited an mbot Cube II dual extruder the aluminum chassis version. Its got several issues with it at current and I am not sure how to address them.
When starting a print from SD Card (have not tried via USB) the machine homes without issue after homing the Z drops down and it attempts to (home?) to X and Y max, as there is no endstops the extruder crashes for about 3 seconds and then heats up to print temp and prints without issue.
I am experiencing X skip of 10 mm or more to the right on large prints. Click For Pic … But if i print a plate of 15 whistles at .75 scale it will print them all perfectly and it takes 9 or so hours… I am not sure what the issue is… but the X axis stepper is extremely hot to the touch.
Also missing the screws for the front plastic if anyone knows that size and pitch I’d greatly appreciate it.