Hi, i have an MBot Grid II+ and i wanted to upgrade it to DH, but when i received my kit, i noticed the dual extruder were for the Grid II (the yellow and red cables). When i try to install the headers the circuitboard doesn’t say where the yellow or the red cable goes (like the grid II) after some time checking the order of the cables, finally, the “Check wire” message disappears. Know when i want to load the filament i noticed that the board displays shows 180C and the extruder is cold and never heat up. so my question is ¿the extruders for the grid II are not compatible with the ones in the grid II+? and if they are compatible, ¿what can i do to make it work? Please i need urgent help with these.
i got an update of my problem, it seems the new extruder have a 100Kohms thermocouples, i already installed a 100k thermocouples of my own and the new problem is that they don’t sense the heat as fast as the ones in the new extrudes and it takes a lot of time to heat up and im afraid they will heat up a lot more… please help!!!