Ultimaker Cura 4.6 Support MBot Grid Printers

In April 21, release Ultimaker Cura 4.6 . It supports MBot Grid Printers.

Magicfirm printers. jeffkyjin has contributed machine definitions for MBot Grid II+, MBot Grid II+ (dual), MBot Grid IV+ and MBot Grid IV+ (dual).

Any one can try to use it, any feedback is welcome here. We can update it later in next Cura version.

Hi Jeff, I looked into the profiles for the Grid II+ on Cura. I tried printing something with dual extruders, but the .x3g file generated only appears to use the right extruder. Maybe I am missing configuration steps, can you please confirm?

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Same as Anthony. I tried to use the left extruder but i canĀ“t. Already good with the right extruder.
My printer is a Grid 2 + Dual Extruder

Hi Anthony,

We will look into this.
Will reply you when confirmed.

Did you choose the Extruder 2, in Support setting?

Yes I did. And I saved directly to an x3g file using the extension available.

Hi Jeff, circling back to this. Is there any updates from your end about possible configuration? I will be happy enough to test any configuration / x3g sample with my physical printer to test.

I just wanted to jump in here as Iā€™ve been struggling with the same question, and made a step forward tonight. The profile metadata item ā€œmachine_x3g_variantā€ is set incorrectly. It is currently set to ā€œzā€, but it needs to be ā€œzdā€. This is per the list of known machines for the X3GWriter plugin, the ā€˜zā€™ type is for single extruder, zd is for dual extruder.

To change this temporarily, I went into the local config store and added to my printerā€™s instance config file. Iā€™m on Linux, so the file was found at ā€œ~/.local/share/cura//definition_changes/MBot3D+Grid+2%2B+Dual_settings.inst.cfgā€. Correct for your platformā€™s path conventions and youā€™re almost there!

The next issue is it seems that the extruder offset is not being correctly set. Attempting to print with the second nozzle resulted in the print head going all the way to the front left of the bed and started printing there, when the print object was in the center.

Iā€™ll keep exploring and post an update if/when I make progress!