What is the difference between “Grid II 17” and " Grid II"?
When will be a MacOSx of the MPrintSoftware available? (Make it available to the AppStore and I think you will have more sold MBot Units).
Ca not use Grid II (17) do not let me change from Grid II i have to pull the USB out so i can change printer model but when i connect buck the USB and connect to the printer goes back to Grid II .
by the way there is not a disconnect on the menu
Will gcode made with Mprint work with the original Mbot3D dual head. The one I have is almost 2 years old and would like to use something that prepares the files faster and or better than the replicator G 0040 software. Any suggestions on what I should use?
of course ,yes ,choose the machine type with (17) .then try to adjust the distance when you are print a model ,slow down the speed (click left button and choose change speed ) ,make sure it can print a good raft .then printer will remember the distance ,the next time you don’t need to change it
Just a question:
MBot is doing Money with the Hardware and the Filaments. Why don’t you get in touch with Slic3r and pay a a small Money to include your System in their program? You could win on multiple side
less time and Money Investment in something you don’t get Money and you may not have the full ressources. So you could invest more time for new product and marketing
More market Penetration, as Slic3r will passively do Advertising for you (and you for them).
Stable Software, open source. good product.
new Software Feature from the market would be automatically available for MBot
Thanks jeffkyjin
I think the “main” issue with the current Version of MPrint is about the static support of the print object. It is obvious that the support needs to be removed after printing. The layer between raft and support is peeling of very well. But not the one between Support and object. In fact, the support is kind of part of the object. Therefore, the print path layout needs to be (as soon as possible) be and have less sticking material between support and object.
Looking Forward for your next version.
Best regards